Art Digital Picture Frame Display

As a kind of display equipment with both artistry and modern technology, piclure framedisplay is gradually changing the way we display and disseminate inforation. lt not onlyprovides innovative display solutions for advertising, art, education and other fields, butalso creales a richer visual experienoe for users, Vth the continuous progress of tech.nelcgy, picture frame display has a broad development prospect in the future and willbecome an indispensable part of people’s dally lile and business acliviies, By continu.ously promoting inteligence, personalization and envronmental protection, pieture framedisplay will bring more convenience and beauty to users, and improve people’s quality oflife and artistic enjoyment.

Product parameters

Functional Features

Diferent features to meet your different needs

High definition display

Adopting advanced LCD or OLED display technology, the picture framedisplay is capable of delivering resolutions up to 4K or even 8K, ensuringthe ciarity of images and videas. Meanwhile, the wide color gamut technol-ogy makes the colors more vivid and true to life, making it suitable for dis-playing artwork and high-quality advertisements.

Elegant design, customizableframes according to usage scenarios

The desian of pieture rame display olen imiates ihepicture frames with difierent styies of decorations, making it easier to inte.grate inie varicus indcor environmenis, from modern simplicity to classicalluxury, which can be harmonized with it

Supports a variety of multimediacontent playback

Supporting a wariety af forms of display such as static pictures, movingimages, video and audio, it can tlex by respond to a vanety of contentneeds, from edvertising and promotion to artistic display, can be easilymanagod

Intelligent Cloud Management,Remote Placement

Different regions, different devices, cloud intelligence unifed managementthe use of computers, call phones, tablets can ba ramotely oparated topublish advertising, it enables advertisers to adjust display strategies inreal time according to market changes and customer needs, and improwemarketing efiects